Disability Services Program Manager Event Checklist

Find ideas for your in-person or online Disability Services Program Manager event and then start designing, planning and promoting your event.

Need help planning your Disability Services Program Manager event? Request a checklist and our team will get it created for you.

Disability Services Program Manager Event Planning Template

In this article, we look at the initial steps to planning out your upcoming Disability Services Program Manager live or virtual event. We’ve put together event ideas, some event design help, strategies for promoting your event and handy run sheets for your event. Need a checklist? Request a checklist template and our team will get a starter checklist created for you.

Disability Services Program Manager In-Person Event Ideas

1. Organizing workshops and training sessions for individuals with disabilities.
2. Coordinating job fairs and career expos specifically tailored for disabled individuals.
3. Planning and executing conferences on disability rights and advocacy.
4. Arranging support groups and networking events for people with disabilities.
5. Managing inclusive sports tournaments and competitions.
6. Facilitating accessible cultural and arts events for individuals with disabilities.
7. Coordinating educational seminars and lectures on disability awareness.
8. Organizing fundraising events to support disability services and programs.
9. Planning community outreach programs to raise awareness about disability rights.
10. Arranging adaptive technology expos to showcase assistive devices.
11. Coordinating accessible recreational activities for individuals with disabilities.
12. Managing disability-friendly travel and tourism events.
13. Organizing inclusive social events and gatherings for disabled individuals.
14. Planning and executing disability-focused health and wellness fairs.
15. Coordinating volunteer programs for individuals to support disabled communities.
16. Managing mentorship programs.

Disability Services Program Manager Remote Event Ideas

1. Virtual workshops and training sessions on disability awareness and inclusion.
2. Online conferences and symposiums on disability rights and advocacy.
3. Webinars on assistive technologies and accessibility solutions.
4. Virtual support groups and counseling sessions for individuals with disabilities.
5. Online job fairs and career development events for disabled individuals.
6. Web-based accessibility audits and consultations for businesses and organizations.
7. Virtual fundraising events and campaigns to support disability services.
8. Online forums and discussion boards for sharing experiences and resources.
9. Web-based mentorship programs for disabled students and professionals.
10. Virtual art exhibitions and performances featuring disabled artists.
11. Online awareness campaigns and social media initiatives on disability issues.
12. Webinars on disability etiquette and communication strategies.
13. Virtual sports and recreational activities for individuals with disabilities.
14. Online training programs for disability service providers and caregivers.
15. Web-based accessibility training for website developers and designers.
16. Virtual town hall meetings and public forums on disability policy.

Event Design

1. Identify the target audience and their specific needs and preferences for the event.
2. Develop a comprehensive event plan, including goals, objectives, and desired outcomes.
3. Create a visually appealing event logo and branding materials that align with the event’s theme.
4. Design and produce promotional materials such as flyers, brochures, and social media graphics.
5. Develop an accessible event website or online platform that accommodates individuals with disabilities.
6. Design and produce accessible registration forms and materials, ensuring inclusivity for all participants.
7. Create visually appealing and accessible presentation slides or materials for speakers and presenters.
8. Design and produce accessible signage and wayfinding materials for the event venue.
9. Develop accessible materials for workshops, breakout sessions, or interactive activities.
10. Create accessible digital or printed event programs, schedules, and agendas.
11. Design and produce accessible name badges or identification materials for participants and staff.
12. Develop accessible materials for event evaluations or feedback surveys.
13…(request a template for further details)

Event Promotion

As a Disability Services Program Manager, the promotion strategy for running an online or in-person event would involve several key steps. Firstly, it would be important to identify the target audience for the event, such as individuals with disabilities, their families, or disability service providers. This would help in tailoring the promotional materials and messages to effectively reach and engage the intended participants.

Next, the promotion strategy would involve utilizing various channels to spread the word about the event. This could include creating a dedicated event webpage or social media event page, sending out email newsletters or announcements to relevant organizations and mailing lists, and leveraging partnerships with disability advocacy groups or community organizations. Additionally, it would be crucial to create visually appealing and accessible promotional materials, such as flyers or graphics, that highlight the key details of the event and its benefits for the target audience.

Disability Services Program Manager In-Person Event Run Sheet

1. Arrive at the event venue early to ensure all necessary accommodations are in place for attendees with disabilities.
2. Coordinate with event staff to set up accessible seating areas and ensure they are clearly marked.
3. Meet with interpreters and provide them with any necessary materials or information for the event.
4. Conduct a final walk-through of the venue to ensure all accessibility features are functioning properly.
5. Greet attendees with disabilities and provide them with any additional assistance they may need.
6. Monitor the event to ensure accessibility needs are being met and address any issues that arise.
7. Coordinate with event staff to provide accessible transportation options for attendees, if needed.
8. Facilitate any necessary communication between attendees with disabilities and event speakers or presenters.
9. Collect feedback from attendees regarding the accessibility of the event and make note of any improvements for future events.
10. Ensure all accessibility accommodations are properly dismantled and returned to their respective locations at the end of the event…(request a template for further details)

Disability Services Program Manager Remote Event Run Sheet

1. Set up virtual event platform and test all features to ensure accessibility for participants with disabilities.
2. Coordinate with speakers and provide them with necessary accommodations, such as closed captioning or sign language interpreters.
3. Create and distribute accessible event materials, including presentations and handouts in alternative formats.
4. Conduct a pre-event accessibility check to ensure all participants can navigate the virtual platform and access necessary features.
5. Monitor the event chat and Q&A functions to address any accessibility concerns or questions from participants.
6. Facilitate breakout sessions or networking opportunities, ensuring accessibility for all participants.
7. Provide technical support throughout the event to troubleshoot any accessibility issues that may arise.
8. Collect feedback from participants regarding the accessibility of the event and make necessary improvements for future events.
9. Collaborate with IT department to ensure the event website and registration process are accessible to individuals with disabilities.
10. Coordinate with captioning services to provide real-time captioning for live sessions, ensuring equal access for…(request a template for further details)

What Next?

You’ve got your ideas on planning your in-person or online Disability Services Program Manager event, what next? We’ve put together a Resource Area with tools to help you run your event and you can also Request A Checklist to help speed up your event planning process. We’re here to help.