Community Board Member Event Checklist

Find ideas for your in-person or online Community Board Member event and then start designing, planning and promoting your event.

Need help planning your Community Board Member event? Request a checklist and our team will get it created for you.

Community Board Member Event Planning Template

In this article, we look at the initial steps to planning out your upcoming Community Board Member live or virtual event. We’ve put together event ideas, some event design help, strategies for promoting your event and handy run sheets for your event. Need a checklist? Request a checklist template and our team will get a starter checklist created for you.

Community Board Member In-Person Event Ideas

1. Organizing monthly community meetings to discuss local issues and gather feedback from residents.
2. Coordinating town hall events to engage with community members and address their concerns.
3. Planning fundraising events to support community projects and initiatives.
4. Arranging volunteer drives to encourage community involvement and participation.
5. Hosting educational workshops and seminars on various topics of interest to community members.
6. Coordinating cultural festivals and events to celebrate diversity and promote unity.
7. Organizing neighborhood clean-up campaigns to enhance the local environment.
8. Planning social gatherings and networking events to foster community connections.
9. Arranging public forums and debates to facilitate open discussions on important issues.
10. Coordinating community sports tournaments and recreational activities to promote a healthy lifestyle.
11. Organizing job fairs and career development workshops to support local employment opportunities.
12. Planning holiday events and celebrations to bring joy and unity to the community.
13. Coordinating art exhibitions and cultural performances to showcase local talent.

Community Board Member Remote Event Ideas

1. Virtual town hall meetings to engage community members and address their concerns.
2. Online workshops and training sessions to educate community members on various topics.
3. Webinars featuring guest speakers to share insights and expertise with the community.
4. Online fundraising campaigns to support community initiatives and projects.
5. Virtual networking events to connect community members and foster collaboration.
6. Online forums and discussion boards to facilitate community dialogue and exchange of ideas.
7. Virtual volunteer recruitment events to engage community members in local initiatives.
8. Online surveys and polls to gather community feedback and opinions.
9. Virtual community celebrations and cultural events to promote unity and diversity.
10. Online contests and competitions to encourage community participation and engagement.
11. Web-based mentoring programs to support community members in their personal and professional growth.
12. Virtual job fairs and career expos to connect community members with employment opportunities.
13. Online support groups and counseling sessions to provide assistance and guidance to community members.
14. Virtual art exhibitions and showcases to.

Event Design

1. Determine the event objectives and target audience.
2. Research and gather relevant information about the event theme, content, and logistics.
3. Create a detailed event plan, including timelines, budget, and resources needed.
4. Design event branding elements such as logos, banners, and color schemes.
5. Develop promotional materials like flyers, posters, and social media graphics.
6. Design and set up event registration forms and ticketing systems.
7. Create visually appealing presentations, slides, and multimedia content.
8. Design event signage, including directional signs, banners, and name tags.
9. Develop event programs, agendas, and schedules.
10. Design and produce event merchandise or promotional items.
11. Create engaging visuals for event websites or landing pages.
12. Design and set up virtual event platforms or online event spaces.
13. Develop interactive elements like polls, surveys, or quizzes for online events.
14. Design and produce event-related videos, animations, or motion graphics.
15. Create…(request a template for further details)

Event Promotion

As a Community Board Member, the promotion strategy for running an online or in-person event would involve several key steps. Firstly, it would be important to identify the target audience for the event and understand their preferences and interests. This would help in tailoring the promotional messages and selecting the appropriate channels to reach out to them effectively.

Next, the promotion strategy would involve creating compelling content and visuals to attract the attention of the target audience. This could include designing eye-catching posters, creating engaging social media posts, and writing persuasive event descriptions. Utilizing various online platforms such as social media, community websites, and email newsletters would be crucial in spreading the word about the event. Additionally, collaborating with local businesses, influencers, and community organizations could help in expanding the reach and generating more interest in the event.

Community Board Member In-Person Event Run Sheet

1. Arrive at the event venue early to ensure everything is set up and ready for the day.
2. Greet and coordinate with event staff, volunteers, and vendors to ensure everyone knows their roles and responsibilities.
3. Conduct a final walkthrough of the venue to ensure all areas are clean, organized, and properly set up.
4. Welcome attendees as they arrive, providing them with any necessary information or materials.
5. Introduce and facilitate any scheduled speakers or presenters, ensuring they have the necessary equipment and support.
6. Monitor the event schedule and ensure that each session or activity starts and ends on time.
7. Address any issues or concerns that arise during the event, such as technical difficulties or attendee complaints.
8. Coordinate with vendors to ensure they are providing the agreed-upon services and products.
9. Oversee the event’s logistics, including crowd control, parking, and security.
10. Collect feedback from attendees and vendors to evaluate the success of the event and identify areas…(request a template for further details)

Community Board Member Remote Event Run Sheet

1. Set up virtual event platform and test all features to ensure smooth operation.
2. Coordinate with speakers and panelists to confirm their availability and technical requirements.
3. Create and distribute event agenda to participants, including session timings and topics.
4. Prepare and share event promotional materials on social media platforms and community channels.
5. Conduct a final run-through of the event with all participants to address any last-minute concerns.
6. Monitor event registration and attendee list to ensure maximum participation.
7. Assign and train volunteers to assist with technical support and attendee engagement during the event.
8. Conduct a pre-event briefing with all volunteers to ensure they are aware of their roles and responsibilities.
9. Start the event on time and introduce speakers and panelists to the audience.
10. Monitor the event chat and Q&A features to facilitate participant engagement and address any technical issues.
11. Keep track of session timings and ensure smooth transitions between speakers and sessions.
12. Conduct post-event surveys to gather feedback and evaluate…(request a template for further details)

What Next?

You’ve got your ideas on planning your in-person or online Community Board Member event, what next? We’ve put together a Resource Area with tools to help you run your event and you can also Request A Checklist to help speed up your event planning process. We’re here to help.